page 240, 132 ;2048.ASM 15-Sep-2016 Boreal ;A 2048-bit Clone of Gabriele Cirulli's 2048 Game ;Use the arrow keys to move the tiles, and Ctrl+Alt+Del to exit the program. ;Assemble with tasm /m and tlink /t ;Greets to Adok Aphex Bonz Boothby Bushy Chut claw Dragan Espineter Flyke G3 ; GreenGhost INT-E Jeff meph Optimus Picard Ruud Shur Sniper Stefan TAD and ; the rest of you inspiring Hugi size coders. .model tiny .code .486 org 100h ; ax=0, bx=0, cx=00FF, bp=09??, dx=cseg, si=0100, di=sp=-2 box equ 0 ;(yep, clobbers the PSP, hence Ctrl+Alt+Del) start: mov cl, 16 ;empty the box of tiles xor di, di rep stosb ;es:[di++]:= al; cx-- mov al, 03h ;clear the screen int 10h ;Turn loop: Insert a new tile at a random empty location tl00: mov ax, 9421 ;linear congruential random number generator imul ax, ax, 12345 ;seed:= seed*9421 + 1 tl10: inc ax mov word ptr tl10-2, ax ;self-modifying code (some old CPUs choke) mov cx, ax ;save copy of random number and ax, 000Fh ;get random box location (0..15) xchg bx, ax cmp [bx+box], bh ;is it zero, i.e. empty? jne tl00 ;loop until empty location is found xchg ax, cx ;get random number with its additional high bits mov cl, 1 ;assume the 90% case that inserts 2^1=2 aam 10 ;ah:= al/10; al:= remainder jne tl17 ;skip if remainder is not zero inc cx ;10% of the time insert 2^2=4 tl17: mov [bx+box], cl ;insert new tile into the box ;Show the box with its numbered tiles xor si, si ;for I:= 0 to 15 do all box locations tl22: mov ax, si ; cx:= ((I&3)+5)*6; X coordinate and al, 03h add al, 5 ; center on screen horizontally imul cx, ax, 6 imul ax, si, 40h ; ch:= I>>2*3+6; Y coordinate mov al, 6 ; center on screen verticlly aad 3 ; al:= ah*3 + 6; ah:= 0 mov ch, al ; cx:= coordinates of upper-left corner mov dx, 0205h ; dx:= coordinates of lower-right corner add dx, cx imul bx, [si+box], 2000h ;color tiles according to their values add bh, 20h ; start with blue, i.e. empty = blue shr bh, 1 ; color:= power+1 & 70h ("&" avoids flashing) or bh, 0Fh ; make the numbers bright white mov ax, 0600h ; fill window with color attribute in bh int 10h sub dx, 0104h ; move cursor to number's position on tile mov ah, 02h ; Cursor(dl, dh) xor bx, bx ; select display page zero int 10h xor ax, ax ; ax:= 0 xor cx, cx ; if power # 0 then change ax from 0 to 1 add cl, [si+box] je tl28 inc ax tl28: shl ax, cl ; ax:= 2^power (or 0) ;Display 4-digit number in ax mov bl, 10 ;divisor (bh=0) mov cl, 4 ;loop couner (ch=0) io10: cwd ;dx:= 0; (ax<8000h) idiv bx ;ax:= dx:ax/10; dx:= remainder push dx ;save digit on stack loop io10 mov cl, 4 ;unwind stack io20: pop ax ;get digit or bh, al ;display underlines instead of leading zeros jne io30 mov al, '_'-'0' io30: add al, '0' ;convert digit to its ASCII value int 29h ;display it (without changing attribute color) loop io20 ;loop for all 4 digits inc si ;next tile cmp si, 16 ;(increment takes more code but leaves flashing jne tl22 ; cursor at bottom where it's less annoying) ;Get arrow keystrokes and move tiles xor bp, bp ;clear moved flag: Moved:= false tl42: mov ah, 0 ;get keystroke: ChIn int 16h mov al, ah ;use the scan code mov cx, 3 ;for I:= 3 downto 0 do each row or each column tl45: mov si, cx ; initialize some common stuff xor di, di cmp al, 4Bh ; if left arrow then jne tl50 shl si, 2 ; MoveTiles(I*4, +1) inc di tl50: cmp al, 4Dh ; if right arrow then jne tl60 shl si, 2 ; MoveTiles(3+I*4, -1) add si, 3 dec di tl60: cmp al, 50h ; if down arrow then jne tl70 add si, 12 ; MoveTiles(I+12, -4) mov di, -4 tl70: cmp al, 48h ; if up arrow then jne tl80 mov di, 4 ; MoveTiles(I, +4) tl80: ;Shift tiles, add identical adjacents, and shift again ; si=X0, di=DX ; bx=X, cl=M, ch=N push ax ;save arrow key's scan code push cx ; and row/column counter cwd ;dx:= 0; (ah<80h) ;Shift all tiles in a single row or column st00: mov cl, 3 ;for M:= 1 to 3 do st05: mov bx, si ; X:= X0 mov ch, 3 ; for N:= 1 to 3 do st10: mov dh, 0 mov ah, 0 ; if Box(X)=0 & Box(X+DX)#0 then call st100 ; do common code dec ch ; next N jne st10 loop st05 ;next M; (ch=0) dec dx ;dl = FFh, FEh jnp st99 ;exit loop when dl's parity is odd ;Add identical adjacent tiles into a new tile mov bx, si ;X:= X0 mov cl, 3 ;for N:= 1 to 3 do st30: mov dh, 1 mov ah, [bx+di+box] ; if Box(X)=Box(X+DX) & Box(X+DX)#0 then call st100 ; do common code loop st30 ;next N jmp st00 ;go back to close any gaps that opened up st99: pop cx pop ax dec cx ;next row or column jns tl45 test bp, bp ;loop until a tile moves je tl42 jmp tl00 ;loop for next turn ;Common code st100: cmp ah, [bx+box] ;Box(X) must equal al, either 0 or adjacent tile jne st140 cmp [bx+di+box], bh ;Box(X+DX) must not be empty je st140 add dh, [bx+di+box] ;Box(X):= Box(X+DX); optionally increment power mov [bx+box], dh mov [bx+di+box], bh ;Box(X+DX):= 0 inc bp ;Moved:= true st140: add bx, di ;X:= X+DX ret end start