;******************************************************************************* ; /\______ /\______ /\________ ; __\\\___ \_ __\\\___ \_ __\\\______ \ ; | / / | / / | _____/ \_ ; | / /____| / /____| \ | ; | \____ : _____/ : \ | ; | / \ \ | ; | / . \ . \ | ; __ _|_ / \ \ _|_ __ ; \ \\_\ \\__\ _/ : \_ : \_ /__// /_// / ; |____/_ _ :______ _ :______ _ | ; \\\____________| \\\____________| \\\____________| ; ; _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ; _\\\__ \___\\\__ \___\\\__ \___\\\_____ \___\\\_____ \___\\\__ \_ ;| /______/| / /| / /| / | / | / / ;\ | / /_| / /_| / | / | / /_ ;|\_______ : _____/ : \_____/ : / : / : \____ | ;| / . \ . \ . / . / . / | ;| / \ \ / / | ;|___ :___ :___ :___\ :___ :___/ sns | ; \\_________: \\_________: \\_________: \\_________: \\_________: \\_________| ; ; R E D S E C T O R I N C ; ; Crawlspace 256b dos tiny intro Baudsurfer/rsi 2015 aka olivier.poudade.free.fr ; Presented first at Riverwash #7 2015 multi-platform demoparty in Cracow Poland ; Greets Blabla Conscience Bon^2 BReWErS CODEX Flush Lineout Mandarine Onslaught ; Paranoimia Quartex Rebels Razor1911 RiOT Titan and to all assembly programmers ; Youtube video courtesy of Astrofra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RGNI2zwlno ;******************************************************************************* b equ byte w equ word d equ dword org 100h mov al,93h int 10h mov es,[bx] mov ax,1124h int 10h lds si,[gs:10ch] mov ch,0fh a:lodsb mov bl,10h c:inc ax stosb dec bx jnz c loop a mov bp,140h mov ds,dx les ax,[bx] mov fs,ax mov d[0e2h],7f00005Bh mov dx,j mov ax,251ch int 21h e:xor dx,dx lea ax,[di-10h] div bp sub dx,64h sub ax,0a0h nop f:fninit fild w[3h] mov [si],ax fild w[si] fdiv st0,st1 mov [si],dx fild w[si] fdiv st0,st2 fldz fld st0 mov al,cl g:fld st3 faddp st2,st0 fadd st0,st2 fld st1 fistp w[si] mov bx,[si] add bl,ch fist w[si] mov bh,bl mov bl,[si] add bl,b[0d0h] cmp al,b[fs:bx] jbe h dec ax jnz g h:shr al,4 adC al,0fh stosb test di,di jnz e mov al,b[0e4h] aam cmp ch,0d2h jnc i mov b[0d0h],0f4h sub cl,al inc ch jmp e i:mov cl,0b4h sub b[0d0h],al jnc e xor b[cs:f-1],2 mov ch,20h jmp e j:pusha push cs pop ds mov si,01ah xor b[si],1 jz m lodsb mov di,019h dec b[di] jnz k inc b[si] mov b[di],4 k:mov bl,b[di] shr bl,1 pushf mov al,bl mov bx,o xlatb popf jc l shr al,4 l:mov bx,n aas xlatb shr al,1 mov si,0e0h mov ah,al salc sub al,066h mov [si+003h],ax add al,030h mov [si],ax mov dx,00331h mov al,03fh out dx,al dec dx mov cx,6 rep outsb out dx,al m:popa iret n db 2 db 049h db 0a5h o db 02h,01h